Minyak Anguilla - Minyak Sidhat - 鳗鱼油 - Eel Oil
Minyak Anguilla - Minyak Sidhat -鳗鱼油 - Eel OilMinyak Anguilla adalah minyak alami yang di peroleh dari sumsum tulang Anguilla segar, Anguilla adalah spesies ikan yang sangat berkhasiat dengan kandungan protein-Vitamin D, vitmin E, mukoprotein yang sangat baik, Minyak Anguilla ini sudah diakui benyak negara misalnya Korea, China, dan Jepang sebagai jenis makanan alami pencegahan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan tingkat tinggi, yang diambil dari sumsum tulang dalam vertebra Anguilla segar melalui teknologi biokimia yang canggih dan modern. Pemrosesannya lebih dari 100 jam untuk pengekstrakan, di mana 70 ekor Anguilla hanya menghasilkan 500 mg Minyak Anguilla. Kandungan
Manfaat 1. Merangsang Fungsi Imunologi, Mencegah & Merawat Berbagai Penyakit. Imunitas adalah faktor penting yang dapat menentukan tubuh manusia sehat atau tidak. 99 % penyakit dalam tubuh manusia disebabkan oleh ketidakseimbangan pada fungsi imunitas. AKGs adalah bahan yang amat bermanfaat untuk merangsang kekebalan tubuh. AKGs dapat merangsang aktivitas system kekebalan tubuh ke tahap maksimum, menangkal bakteri dan virus yang menyerang tubuh manusia, membersihkan racun, dan bahan-bahan negatif lainnya yang dapat menyebabkan kelainan dalam metabolisme tubuh, dan memainkan peranan "mencegah terjadinya penyakit' dan "mengobati penyebab penyakit" untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit (seperti flu, demam, pilek, dan sebagainya) yang disebabkan karena daya tahan tubuh lemah. Minyak Anguilla mengandung AKGs sebesar 20 - 80 % dan aspek Minyak Anguilla ini merupakan penyempurnaan dari makanan kesehatan yang lain. Pengalaman klinik membuktikan bahwa mereka yang mengambil Minyak Anguilla dalam beberapa lama, mempunyai sel-sel imun yang sangat aktif dalam badan. Minyak Anguilla mengandung AKGs yang dalam jumlah banyak sangat bermanfaat untuk mencegah dan merawat berbagai penyakit yang disebabkan karena daya tahan tubuh yang lemah. Minyak Anguilla dapat mencegah demam, pilek, dan flu, dan membantu dalam pengobatan asma., alergi, sembelit, dan dermatitis, dan juga dapat meringankan rasa sakit, mempercepat penyembuhan luka, dan menurunkan kadar gula darah. 2. Menangkal radikal bebas & Anti-aging. Radikal bebas adalah zat-zat berbahaya yang dihasilkan dari proses oksidasi dalam tubuh manusia. Radikal bebas sangat aktif dari segi sifat kimia nya dan dapat bergabung dengan lemak di dalam tubuh manusia untuk membentuk lipofusin yang akan menjadi "plak senile" apabila radikal bebas ini menempati di atas permukaan yang sesuai. Jika berkumpul dalam syaraf serebrum, lipofusin dapat menyebabkan dementia senile dan dapat mempengaruhi saluran darah dalam system peredaran darah. Lipofusin dapat merusakkan sel-sel manusia. Peningkatan radikal bebas dalam sel manusia adalah sesuatu petunjuk penting dalam peningkatan usia. AKGs yang terkandung dalam Minyak Anguilla adalah sejenis antioksidan kuat dan mempunyai kesan unik dalam menangkal radikal bebas. AKGs dapat menembus membran seluler dan masuk ke dalam sel dan menghilangkan bahan teroksida berbahaya yang disebut radikal bebas. Kebanyakan antioksidan tradisional menangkal radikal bebas yang berada di luar sel dan terdapat sedikit saja yang dapat menembus membran dan memberi kesan di dalam. AKGs adalah hanya salah satu dari beberapa antioksidan yang berfungsi di dalam sel. 3. Imunoterapi, Pencegahan Kanker. Pada tahun 1980-an, dua orang peneliti Jepang mula-mula menemukan sejenis komponen asing dalam hati ikan hiu yang mempunyai kesan unik. Kemudian pada tahun 1958, para peneliti Jepang mecoba melakukan metode transplantasi sumsum untuk mengobati leukositemia. Dalam penelitian mereka, mereka menemukan terdapatnya suatu komponen yang mempunyai kesan jelas dalam pengobatan leukositemia dan kanker lainnya. Akhirnya, mereka melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai minyak hati ikan hiu dan menemukan bahwa komponen tersebut adalah AKGs (Alkoksi gliserin). Pekerja-pekerja dunia medis pertama kalinya menemukan manfaat AKGs dalam pengobatan dan pencegahan kanker pada tahun 1970-an, dengan itu mencetuskan pengaruh dalam dunia pengobatan. Penelitian pada abad yang berikutnya telah mendorong pencapaian pengetahuan yang lebih luas mengenai pencegahan dan pengobatan kanker dengan AKGs dan banyak karya tulis ilmiah mengenai hal ini telah diterbitkan mengakui bahwa AKGs dapat menurunkan tingkat regenerasi sel tumor, memperlambat pertumbuhan tumor, menghalangi pertambahan berat tumor, dan mengatur pemindahan tumor dengan system imunitas. Baru-baru ini, praktisi kesehatan di China juga mencapai keberhasilan dalam mengobati kanker melalui system imunitas. Banyak penelitian ilmiah telah membuktikan bahwa salah satu sebab penting bagi penyebab kanker dalam tubuh adalah masalah system imuniitas, akan tetapi sel tumor dapat mengecil dan dimusnahkan dengan sel imun yang jumlahnya lebih banyak dari sel tumor. Dari aspek klinikal, kebanyakan pesakit tumor mengalami pengecilan tumor mereka dengan jelas setelah mengambil penyediaan imun. "Neoimunoterapi" yang baru-baru ini didukung oleh dunia pengobatan pada masa kini, mengumumkan bahwa pengambilan perangsang imun sangat efektif untuk mengaktifkan sel anti-kanker dalam tubuh dalam menghapus sel kanker. Minyak Anguilla adalah sangat bermanfaat dalam mencegah dan merawat kanker karena AKGs yang terkandung sangat banyak adalah salah satu dari perangsang imun yang sangat berkesan dan sangat baik. 4. Memelihara Kesehatan Bayi & Menguatkan Tubuh. Air susu ibu (ASI) mengandung AKGs yang sangat banyak. Bagi bayi baru lahir, perrtumbuhan dan penyempurnaan system imunnya dan daya tahannya terhadap penyakit sangat bergantung pada AKGs yang didapatkan dari ASI. Pada zaman dahulu, banyak orang menyadari bahwa anak-anak dapat menjadi sehat, berisi, dan cerdas jikalau mereka diberi ASI, namun sebabnya kurang jelas hingga sekarang. Masalah ini terjawab bahwa ASI mengandung AKGs yang merupakan sebab luar biasa yang mendasari kesehatan anak-anak. Tetapi kandungan AKGs dalam Minyak Anguilla adalah lebih banyak daripada kandungannya dalam ASI. Oleh karena itu, kita menganjurkan bahwa wanita hamil dan wanita yang menyusui untuk mengambil Minyak Anguilla dalam jumlah yang lebih sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan bagi ibu dan bayi. Kita juga menganjurkan untuk bayi yang disapih lebih awal untuk mengambil Minyak Anguilla dalam jumlah lebih. 5. Mencerdaskan Otak, Membangun Kecerdasan & Menguatkan Daya Ingat. DHA adalah komponen utama sel syaraf serebrum dan sitoplin di atas retina, dan merupakan bahan yang sangat diperlukan yang dapat mengaktifkan otak dan membuat keadaan penglihatan menjadi lebih baik. Di samping itu, AKGs dapat melindungi serebrum dari radikal bebas. Oleh karena itu, pengambilan Minyak Anguilla dapat membantu pertumbuhan serebrum anak-anak, meningkatkan IQ, mempertahankan aktivitas otak golongan usia pertengahan tahun dan tua, dan mencegah pikun. 6. Mengurangi Lemak Darah & Melembutkan Saluran Darah. Lemak yang terlalu banyak dalam saluran darah dapat menyempitkan dan merapuhkan saluran darah, dengan itu mengakibatkan sklerateroma arteri dan lebih parahnya thrombosis serebrum, pendarahan serebrum, dan infact miokardium. EPA dan DHA yang terkandung dalam Minyak Anguilla adalah bermanfaat untuk mengurangi kekentalan darah dan kolesterol, melembutkan dan membersihkan saluran darah, dan mencegah dan merawat berbagai jenis penyakit-penyakit kardio / serebrovaskuler. 7. Memperbaiki Mikro-Peredaran Darah, Menjaga Bentuk Badan, Membuat Wajah Cantik. Minyak Anguilla dapat menghilangkan lemak darah yang dapat menyekat kapiler pada wajah untuk meningkatkan mikro-peredaran darah pada wajah. Di samping itu, dengan adanya manfaat terhadap daya tahan tubuh, wajah dapat menjadi kebal terhadap bakteri dan virus. Kulit wajah dapat menjadi licin dan lembut karena memperoleh zat gizi dan kelembapan yang mencukupi. Asam linoleat, dan linolenat yang terkandung dalam Minyak Anguilla dapat merealisasikan kecantikan dan menghapus bintik-bintik, dengan itu menaikkan nama Minyak Anguilla sebagai sesuatu produk penjagaan kulit alami kwalitas tinggi. Karena dapat menembus masuk, mengaktifkan dan membunuh bakteri. 8. Menguatkan Badan Menyegarkan Yang Lemak & Meningkatkan Inti Tubuh. Penelitian telah membuktikan bahwa Minyak Anguilla dapat meningkatkan kapasitas tubuh untuk melawan kekurangan oksigen, dan mempunyai manfaat dalam melawan stress. Disamping itu, Minyak Anguilla juga dapat meningkatkan kwalitas sperma dalam epididimis dan menigkatkan fungsi seks. Pengguna :
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鳗鱼油(eel oil)的功能 | Fungsi Minyak Sidhat (鳗鱼油) |
Relevant fundamental knowledgeEel is also called river eel, Anguilla japonica, white eel, and its scientific name is Japanese eel. Eel is a very nutrient fish species, having in itself abundant proteins-vitamin D, vitamin E, ample mucoprotein, as well as amino acid and RNA which are called bath fat. Interestingly speaking, people from many countries like to eat eel, but it has been a long period before it was discovered where eels came from since their eggs were never found when people ate them. This mystery has not been solved until in earlier 20th century when Danish scholars found young eels that had just come out of eggs in the waters near Atlantic ocean’s Bermuda, to let people know gradually that eel is actually an oceanic migratory fish. Eel’s body can develop to the length of 60cm, and grown-up eels make catadromous migration to lay eggs in abyssal region. Young eels that are just hatched out are transparent all over the body, are slender like silver needles, and weigh only around 0.1g. Young eels float with waves in the ocean and when coming across inlets to inland rivers they will follow the tides into them and live in freshwater just like their parents do. Since eel fries can only be fished manually and there are no technologies available for manual incubation, they are more expensive than gold. As early as more than 1000 years ago, eels had been listed by our ancestors as a kind of resource for dietotherapy to resist viruses and to tonify for weakness. Tao Hongjing in Liang Dynasty referred to eels as “therapy mainly for five hemorrhoids and sores and fistulas, capable of killing various bugs” (in Special Records about Famous Doctors). In Rihuazi Medical Herbs, it is said that eels can cure fatigue, tonify the insufficient, kill bug poison, treat evil sores, warm the waist and knees, stimulate the masculine, therapize women’s pregnancy sore and bug itch”. Eel is precious all over its body and has been titled as “aquatic panax”, “soft gold”, and others since ancient times. Detailed records can be found in ancient literature such as The Compendium of Materia Medica, Hand-held Collection of Fine Medicines, and others. Relevant story:The ancient medical book, Ji Shen Lu, has recorded such a story: A beautiful young lady was infected with phthisis, a disease that was incurable then. Although her family loved this daughter very much, they were more afraid that the whole family would die of this disease. Therefore, they had to take the pain to put the dying lady into the coffin and threw it into the river to let her follow her own fate. The coffin flowed down and finally floated into Jinsha River where a fisherman picked it up. Open the coffin and the fisherman found it was a young lady in it, at her last gasp. So the kind fisherman took the lady home and cooked the eels he caught every day to feed the lady. After some time, the lady’s disease had been cured unknowingly. At last the lady married the fisherman and they began to live a happy life since then, becoming a much-told story. In 1945, Hiroshima has been razed to the ground by U.S’ A-bomb. All people and animals there were severely destroyed except eels, a species that survived safe and sound with unique vitality. This exceptional phenomenon intrigued scientists into in-depth studies which have revealed that not only possessing the ecological characteristics of nocturnal habit and optokinesis, eels also have special respiratory mode and the capacity of resistance to oxygen deficit, as well as the physiological features of sensitive olfaction, etc. All these characteristics and features are the very reasons for eels’ unique pertinacity in existence. Additionally, eels are extremely sensitive to harmful substances and have high requirements for quality of the water they inhabit. Their often-mysterious appearance and disappearance in waters have further covered them with cryptic veil. One time, a Japanese client visited an eel processing plant in Taiwan and has been surprised to discover that all female workers in this plant had makeup. After asking, it turned out that what these female workers showed were their natural faces, which were beautified since their boss often gave them soup of eel bones. In this way, they had their free radicals eliminated, blood vessels softened, and ultimately their skins emolliated. This story can demonstrate eel’s anti-aging effect on human bodies. Modern medical studies reveal that eel has high contents of vitamins and microelements. Contents of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin A are 25 times, 5 times, and 45 times of the counterparts in milk respectively. The content of zinc (brain gold) is 9 times of that in milk. Especially exciting are the multiple highly under-saturated fatty acids that are now the food of choice for the people who want to satisfy the appetite without worrying out getting fat. Eel fillets are delicious and titled as “aquatic panax” that have the immeasurable effects on prolonging life and tonifying for the weakness. Eel resources are distributed only in a few regions in the world and freshwater eels that are bred from the fished natural eel fries are even rarer. Adding to this situation are the freshwater eel’s short growth period and vulnerability to pollution of heavy metals. Scientific discoveries reveal that the magic vitality of eels results from the strong vertebra. Modern researches tell us that there are more than one hundred nutrients contained in eel’s vertebra and their nutritional and medicinal values are focused on extensively by experts and scholars. Processes for production of eel oilEel oil is a kind of high-grade health-care food that is purely natural and green, extracted from marrows in fresh eel’s vertebra through modern advanced biochemical technologies. Processes for its production are very fine, including about six big steps and tens of procedures, such as bone selection, bone dissolution, purification, grease removal, dehydration, filtration, etc. More than 100 hours of processing are taken before complete extraction of file oil of marrows. One ton of eel vertebra can only yield a little more than 50 kg fine oil of marrows. Vertebra of one eel can only provide raw materials for 2 capsules and a bottle of 150 eel-oil capsules are made from vertebra of more than 70 eels. We can understand how precious eel oil is just through these numbers. Marrow is the blood manufacturer of the human body, and blood is the carrier and supplier of the nutrients necessary to the healthy functioning of all organs in the body. In the human immune system marrow is the most crucial organ. It seems like a miracle that human marrow can produce 100 billion neutral leucocytes every day and input them into blood to resist pathogens and viruses invading from outside. So it is almost impossible to overstate how important marrow is to human health! Why are there are so many people enjoying bone soup? That is because this soup contains considerable nutrients and drinking it can maintain health and prolong life. Why are the developed countries (such the U.S. and Japan) are so focused on development of bone-series foods? That is because they understand the importance of healthy bones. The most nutritive substance in bones is marrow. Analytical work reveals that there are 27 kinds of fatty acids in eel-marrow oil that are necessary for human bodies. Because these acids have abundant and balanced nutrients, eel-marrow oil is the most ideal health-care food modern people have ever pursued. Main ingredients:Eel oil mainly contains three ingredients, AKGs, DHA, and EPA, which have the following functions: Funtions:
Eel oil’s effects on health care:Eel-marrow oil contains lots of nutrients and its main effects on health care are listed in the following:
Efficacy of the product:
Advantages of eel oil:
Target customers:
| Kapsul Lunak Minyak Anguilla
Eel Oil SoftgelProduct Description1. Its magic vitality Eel's body can develop to the length of 60 centimetres, and grown-up eels make catadromous migration to lay eggs in abyssal region in autumn. Young eels that are just hatched out are transparent all over the body, are slender like silver needles, and weigh only around 0.1grams. Young eels float with waves in the ocean and when coming across inlets to inland rivers they will follow the tides into them and live in freshwater just like their parents do. Since eel fries can only be fished manually and there are no technologies available for manual incubation, they are more expensive than gold. It is recognized as"soft gold". 2. Its magic radiation resistance In 1945, Hiroshima has been razed to the ground by U. S' A-bomb. All people and animals there were severely destroyed except eels, a species that survived safe and sound with unique vitality. This exceptional phenomenon intrigued scientists into in-depth studies which have revealed that not only possessing the ecological characteristics of nocturnal habit and optokinesis, eels also have special respiratory mode and the capacity of resistance to oxygen deficit, as well as the physiological features of sensitive olfaction, etc. All these characteristics and features are the very reasons for eels' unique pertinacity in existence. 3. Its magic tonic effect Eel is famous for delicious meat and high nutrition. Also called" ginseng in the water", and "the source of energy. Eel is rich in more than 10 types of optimal protein and 20 kinds of unsaturated fatty acid. It has extremely higher contents of vitamins and trace elements essential to human body than that of milk. Eel oil is a kind of high-grade health-care food that is purely natural and green, extracted from marrows in fresh eel's vertebra through modern advanced biochemical technologies. Vertebrae essential oil has been extracted following extremely meticulous process for more than 100 hours...The general process goes through dozens of procedures including: Selection of vertebrae, cleansing of vertebrae, and elimination of vertebrae, degreasing, and dehydration, and filtration 1. AKGS (Alkoxy glycerols): Alkoxy glycerine (AKGs) is the main element for human leukocyte with the content as high as 60-80%, and is called by the international medical world as the source of immunity. Its main function is to activate the reproduction of immunocyte and promote the amount of white blood cell, lymphocyte and blood platelet and to improves the activation of immunocyte and enhances immunocompetence. Therefore, it is known as "the king of oxidation resistance". 2. DHA (Docosahexenoic Acid): DHA effectively activates brain cell, strengthens brain power and improves memory. It is known as "gold for brain". 3. EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid): It can accelerate the decomposition of cholesterol and triglyceride, drop the level of blood fat, and soften the blood vessels. So it is known as "scavenger for human blood vessels". |
鳗鱼油软 康百特牌鳗鱼油胶丸乃选用新鲜鳗鱼脊椎骨髓,采用现代先进生化技术萃取提炼的一种纯天然绿色高级保健食品,不含任何添加剂,可以长期服用。且适应范围广泛,男女老少,皆宜服用。鳗鱼骨髓油中含有AKGS、DHA、EPA等27种人体所需的脂肪酸,均为人体必需的营养素,对人体健康十分有益。 AKGS(中文名烷氧基甘油)是人体白血球的主要原素,其含量高达60-80%,被国际医学界誉为“免疫力之源”。它的主要功能是激发免疫细胞的生成,提高白细胞、淋巴细胞和血小板的数量,促进免疫细胞活化、增强机体的免疫能力。 康百特牌鳗鱼油对人体健康的作用: 自由基是人体细胞氧化过程中产生的有害残存物。自由基的化学活性很强,它与体内的脂肪结合便形成脂褐素。脂褐素对人体的细胞影响极大,它不管沉积在人体哪个部位都会形成病症。脂褐素如果沉积在皮肤的表面,便是我们常说的老年斑。康百特牌鳗鱼油所含的AKGS是一种强力的抗氧化剂,能清除细胞内的自由基。它能穿透细胞膜进入细胞内,把细胞被氧化的有害物质即自由基加以清除。坚持服用鳗鱼油的人比较少出现老人斑,就是因为鳗鱼油能清除自由基。 康百特鳗鱼油不仅能抗辐射、抗疲劳,减少手机、电视机、电脑等电器对人体的辐射,同时康百特鳗鱼油含有油酸、亚油酸和亚麻酸,能美容祛斑,是一种天然的高级护肤品。它对人的皮肤具有渗透、活化、杀菌作用。康百特鳗鱼油内含EPA,能清除面部堵塞微血管的血脂,改善面部血液微循环,面部肌肤由于得到充足的养分和水分自然变得光洁柔软,从而能护肤养颜。 2.护健母婴,增强体质。 世界卫生组织提倡婴儿要吃母乳,这是为什么呢?因为母乳是婴儿最理想的天然食物,含有大量的免疫物质。婴儿的免疫系统还没建立完善,抗病毒感染力差,而母乳中含有大量的AKGS,可以帮助婴儿提高抵抗力。在许多国家所做的调查中都发现,母乳喂养的婴儿与吃一般配方奶粉的婴儿相比,不易有腹泻、中耳炎等。因为母乳中的AKGS的含量比牛奶中的含量高出10倍之多。过去我们只知道吃母乳长大的孩子长得结实身体很少出现问题,但不知道什么原因,直到今天我们才清楚,这是得益于母乳中的AKGS。 人体能均衡的、自然的产生AKGS,AKGS天然存在于人的骨髓、肝、脾和母乳中。母乳中的AKGS含量为0.1%,骨髓为0.2%,而鳗鱼油中的AKGS的含量为60%~80%,远远高于母乳和骨髓中的含量。 所以怀孕和哺育期间的母亲们多服用鳗鱼油,将对母亲和宝宝都会大有好处。
Eel oil soft capsuleEel boasts of magic features as follows: 1.Its magic vitality: Eel’s body can develop to the length of 60 centimetres, and grown-up eels make catadromous migration to lay eggs in abyssal region in autumn. Young eels that are just hatched out are transparent all over the body, are slender like silver needles, and weigh only around 0.1grams. Young eels float with waves in the ocean and when coming across inlets to inland rivers they will follow the tides into them and live in freshwater just like their parents do. Since eel fries can only be fished manually and there are no technologies available for manual incubation, they are more expensive than gold. It is recognized as”soft gold”. 2. Its magic radiation resistance In 1945, Hiroshima has been razed to the ground by U.S’ A-bomb. All people and animals there were severely destroyed except eels, a species that survived safe and sound with unique vitality. This exceptional phenomenon intrigued scientists into in-depth studies which have revealed that not only possessing the ecological characteristics of nocturnal habit and optokinesis, eels also have special respiratory mode and the capacity of resistance to oxygen deficit, as well as the physiological features of sensitive olfaction, etc. All these characteristics and features are the very reasons for eels’ unique pertinacity in existence. 3. Its magic tonic effect Eel is famous for delicious meat and high nutrition. Also called” ginseng in the water”, and “the source of energy. Eel is rich in more than 10 types of optimal protein and 20 kinds of unsaturated fatty acid. It has extremely higher contents of vitamins and trace elements essential to human body than that of milk. The Japanese nation is known as long life-span and an intelligent nation worldwide. Scientists have studies found that it is closely connected with dietary structure of Japanese and in that Japanese are fond of eating fish, they especially love eating eel. The consumption amount of eel in Japan accounts for 70% of total amount of the world. As early as more than 1000 years ago, eels had been listed by our ancestors as a kind of resource for dietotherapy to resist viruses and to tonify for weakness.. Various ancient medical books recorded that eel is beneficial to dispersing pathogenic wind and insect disinfestations, treating muscles and bones and dispelling fatigues. COME BETTER EEL OIL Consummate Processes for production of eel oil Eel oil is a kind of high-grade health-care food that is purely natural and green, extracted from marrows in fresh eel’s vertebra through modern advanced biochemical technologies. Vertebrae essential oil has been extracted following extremely meticulous process for more than 100 hours.. The general process goes through dozens of procedures including: selection of vertebrae, cleansing of vertebrae, and elimination of vertebrae, degreasing, and dehydration, and filtration Processes for its production are extremely fine, including about dozens of procedures, such as bone selection, bone dissolution, purification, grease removal, dehydration, filtration, etc. More than 100 hours of processing are taken before complete extraction of file oil of marrows. Marrow is significantly important for human body’s health. Marrow is the maker of blood in human bodies while blood is the carrier and supplier for the nutrients necessary for all organs in human bodies. COME BETTER eel oil is extracted from the marrow of eel and it has extremely precious nutrient. Therefore, Eel Vertebrae Enhancer is an ideal product for health preservation and disease prevention. “Triratna” for human body COME BETTER eel oil extracted from the marrow of eel’s Vertebrae is rich in three types of active ingredients: AKGS, EPA, DHA, which have important nutrients essential to human body and recognized as “Triratna” for human body. They have following functions: 1. AKGS (Alkoxy glycerols): Alkoxy glycerine (AKGs) is the main element for human leukocyte with the content as high as 60-80%, and is called by the international medical world as the source of immunity. Its main function is to activate the reproduction of immunocyte and promote the amount of white blood cell, lymphocyte and blood platelet and to improves the activation of immunocyte and enhances immunocompetence. Therefore, it is known as “the king of oxidation resistance”. 2. DHA (Docosahexenoic Acid): DHA effectively activates brain cell, strengthens brain power and improves memory. It is known as “gold for brain”. 3. EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid): It can accelerate the decomposition of cholesterol and triglyceride, drop the level of blood fat, and soften the blood vessels. So it is known as “scavenger for human blood vessels”. COME BETTER EEL OIL’s efficacy to health 1. Stimulating the immunologic function, preventing and curing various diseases Immunity is the essence for human body health. COME BETTER eel oil has high contents of AKGS of 60-80%, It has excellent efficacy in prevention and relief of various chronic disease and communicable diseases such as cold, flu, asthma, allergy and inflammation etc. In addition, AKGS is beneficial to minimizing the harm of chemicotherapy, which enhances the survival rate for those patients suffering from tumors and has certain effect on anti-cancer. 2. Eliminating free radicals and anti-aging Free radicals are harmful remnants generated from the process of oxidization in human bodies. Free radicals are very active chemically and can combine with the fat inside human body to form lipofuscin which becomes “senile plaque” when settling on the kind surface. COME BETTER eel oil is a superior quality product and has obtained three certifications: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Registration Certificate, Certificate No. 19552234490; National Certificate of Patent Patent No. ZL2 00410026812X; National Health Products Certificate Certificate No. GSJS G20050652 Usage and Dosage For those who are weak and have low immunity: Twice a day, three pills once For those who under treatment: Three times a day, four- six pills once USAGE: To be taken with warm boiled water on an empty stomach. To be taken for babies by puncturing the capsules with a toothpick and then dripping into mouth with milk |
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